BayView Assisted Living at Buckingham Smith

Bayview Assisted Living at Buckingham Smith
Buckingham Smith
is a 36-bed assisted living facility with a Limited Nursing Services license. Buckingham Smith Assisted Living is unique in its ability to provide quality, affordable assisted living healthcare services for those elderly or disabled residents who may not otherwise be able to afford the financial obligations of assisted living. Residency at Buckingham Smith may be paid by private funds, Optional State Supplementation (OSS), Medicaid Assistive Care Services (ACS) programs through the Florida Department of Children and Families, by the Assisted Living for the Elderly MedicaidWaiver Program, and/or financial assistance from the BayView Healthcare.

Buckingham Smith is currently the only St. Johns County assisted living facility that accepts OSS, Medicaid ACS programs, through the Florida Department of Children and Families and provides financial assistance to the residents.

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